Wednesday 7 January 2015

Image Ideas

This post is to give myself and the people that view my blog the sort of image ideas that I based my photoshoot on. There are many different artists and shots I based my model and photoshoot on and these are some of my favourites, As you can see from some of the images above there is a mixture between high and low angle shots, coloured and direct address. After looking at all of these images, I pulled them all together to get an overall idea of the type of images I was going to put into my magazine.

Draft Feature Article

This is the final article I will be using in my magazine, as you can see the article is very text heavy as it should be, to ensure the readers do not get bored whilst reading this, I will make sure that the double page spread around it will be as eye-catching as possible and give something for the reader in which will be pleasing to the eye. I have included a lot of what the reader wanted in the article such as social media elements and personal yet fun questions from the 'interviewer'